Yesterday, I was surfing the web with my new eeepc 901 xp Edition, and I found something interesting that caught my attention, don't remember the name of the website though. I found some little hacks an tweaks so that your netbook can run a lot faster than how its used to. I personally tried them out and they worked beautifully.
Steps to follow:
Type in regedit in the RUN bar.
Then, simple click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
Once there, look for the CONTROL PANEL, and then click on the one that says DESKTOP.
Now, all you have to do is change the numerical demonination that the HUNGAPPTIMEOUT has.
Change it to 1000
Kepp yourself in DESKTOP so that you can change the numerical denomination of WAITTOKILLAPPTIMEOUT
change it to 1000 as well
The last one you guys have to change is AUTOENDTASK so that WIndows can close your running apps alot faster than before when shutting down.
Change it to 1
That's it, you guys are done.
Finally, there are some other tweaks that I'm still testing. If they're successful, I am going to share with you all later.
See ya',
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